Jack Watters

I'm Jack.(John)
I am a full stack developer based in San Francisco. I value elegant, minimalistic software that enhances user experience.I enjoy travel, language learning and hiking with my dogs.
Me and my cat friend TigreMe and my friend Tigre

Some Projects

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Schmedium Blog PlatformA blog platform with a WYSIWYG editor and user authentication.
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Odin BookFacebook clone
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Team SendEasily send targeted bulk SMS to groups
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Notion-inspired Todo ListNotion inspired todo list created using React
ReactTailwindCSSReact QueryAstroPrismaPostgeSQLGoReactTailwindCSSReact QueryAstroPrismaPostgeSQLGo


Get in touch

I'd Always love to discuss

Frontend DevelopmentSmall Business GrowthLanguage AcquisitionReactHockeyBrutalist designMagical RealismReggaetonLacrosseWorld TravelYerba Mate